Living With Pet Allergies



September 16, 2021

While we often love how soft and cuddly our furry family members are, they can cause some issues for those who have allergies. Many people struggle with being allergic to dogs and cats, but still love them deeply. Well we have some good news! There are ways that can allow you to safely live with a furry baby, despite your allergies.

First things first, speak with your doctor. Your doctor knows your medical history best and can tell you what your allergies can or cannot tolerate. Your ability to have a pet could very well depend on the severity of your allergies. Along with your doctor, you can also speak with an allergist who can specifically test for allergies to pet dander, which can confirm if your pets are the cause of your allergies.

Look into medications and treatment. There are numerous types of over-the-counter allergy medications that could help ease your allergies. If your doctor allows it, you can also consider immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a type of allergy shot that can improve your symptoms but cannot eliminate them entirely. There are also various nose sprays that could help symptoms. Keep in mind, you should always check with your doctor before starting any new medications or treatments.

Visit friends or family who already own cats. If your doctor gives you the thumbs up, try visiting a friend or a family member who already has a furry family member. This will give you some exposure to pets to see how your allergies react without fully committing to owning a furry family member of your own.

Look into hypoallergenic breeds. It’s important to know that no breed of dog or cat are completely hypoallergenic, as all dogs and cats produce some dander. Luckily, there are some breeds that may cause your allergies to flare up less than others. Here are a few cat and dog breeds to look into:


If you choose to adopt a hypoallergenic breed, make sure to insure them with Bivvy pet insurance for added peace-of-mind!

Regularly groom your pet. Making sure your dog or cat is properly cleaned is a great way to reduce dander. Washing your pets strips the dander off the surface, which can help relieve some of your allergy symptoms. Grooming your dog or cat on a regular basis is often recommended.

Clean…a lot! This will help loose hair from building up around your home and making your allergies worse. Having a cleaning routine and schedule can help with the buildup of allergens around the house. A great idea to keeping your home clean is to invest in an air cleaner. HEPA air cleaners can trap pollutants and may help to bring allergy relief. Another great tool for cleaning is using a wet-style cleaning approach to catch all the dander around the house.

Consider restricting some spaces in your home. Making certain areas of your house off limits to your furry friend is a great idea if you have allergies. Pets’ dander can stick to walls, carpets, and clothing, which is why having restricted areas can come in handy when dealing with allergies. Restricted areas give you a clean space to escape to if your allergies are flaring up. It’s best to make your restricted area your bedroom so you can sleep peacefully.

A very important aspect Bivvy wants you to keep in mind is that everyone's different. Make sure to consider the severity of your allergies. A great approach to testing if you can safely have a cat as a pet is to go about it slowly. It’s also a good idea to become aware of your allergies and come up with a game plan before bringing a furry friend home. If you decide it’s safe to have a cat or dog in your home, make sure to provide them with pet insurance so that your furry family member can also stay healthy and protected!