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Whether you’re a new or experienced pet parent, be in the know when it comes to caring financially for your pets.

Pet Expenses Can Add Up Fast

We love our family pets, but they can put a squeeze on our pocketbooks even before an emergency vet visit. Whether you’re thinking of becoming a pet parent, or already have a house of critters, it’s important to plan ahead for their yearly, emergency and lifetime expenses. Check out our pet expense guide for savvy pet parents!


On average, dogs can wrack up $650 to $2,115 a year in expenses. Cats on the other hand cost an average of $690 to $1,485 per year. *


We always hope our beloved pets stay happy and healthy, but 1 in 3 pets will need emergency vet care every year! Emergency surgery alone can cost $1,800-$5,000 for dogs and $1,500-$3,000 for cats.


Many pet parents underestimate the cost accrued over their pets' lifetimes. Dogs live 12 years on average and their expenses can add up to be between $5,000 to $20,000! Cats can live even longer, between 12-18 years on average, costing between $5,000 to $23,000.*

Budget for the Basics

Prepare for the First Year of Pet Expenses

If you’re thinking of becoming a pet parent, it’s important to prepare for the expenses associated with a new family member. An online study reports that 78% of pet parents underestimate the first year of pet expenses. Pet ownership is the best, but go in knowing the costs and how to plan ahead for them!

The first year of owning a dog costs an average of $1,270.

The first year of owning a cat costs an average of $1,070.

3 Easy Ways to Lower Pet Expenses

Plan Ahead for Your Family Pets!

Lower Dog Expenses
Lower Cat Expenses
Puppy expenses